About us

At Mining Company Star we are proud to be much more than just a mining company. We are an industry committed to the responsible extraction of minerals, transforming these resources into quality products to drive sustainable growth in agriculture and mining.

We are firmly committed to caring for the planet. We recognize the importance of conserving our natural resources for future generations. That’s why we implement rigorous environmental management practices throughout our operations.

We are dedicated to meeting the needs of our clients, promoting a collaborative work environment and being a solid support for small miners in our region.

We constantly look for ways to minimize our environmental impact, from responsible waste management to reducing emissions and promoting biodiversity in the areas where we operate.


Our mission is to extract natural resources with maximum responsibility and respect for the environment in which we operate.

We understand that our mining activity has a direct impact on local communities and the global ecosystem, and we take responsibility for ensuring that this impact is positive and sustainable.


We want to become a benchmark in the mining industry. Be recognized for our excellence in productivity and efficiency, always maintaining the highest safety standards.

Beyond mineral extraction and processing, we are constantly committed to sustainable development, working closely with the community and leading environmental conservation.

At Mining Company Star, we envision a future in which mining is synonymous with responsibility, trust and sustainable progress.



Marco Baeza


Claudio Gutiérrez


María Campos


Gisela Gálvez


Our subsidiaries